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Seleccionado Concurso Gleyzer 2016

Refugiados: Rutas de Oriente Medio a Argentina

Refugees: Roads from the Middle East to Argentina


Feature Film

60 minutes aprox.


Stage: Pre-production

Budget: USD46.000



Sinopsis: Varios refugiados Sirios y kurdo-iraquíes encuentran su destino en un hostal de refugiados en Argentina. Algunos son confundidos por terroristas, otros ayudados por su propia sangre. Al quedar en libertad intentan rehacer su vida en una tierra que les es extraña.


Synopsis: Several Syrian and Kurdish-Iraqi refugees find themselves together in a refugees hostel in Argentina. Some of them, are mistaken by terrorist others are helped by their own blood. Once they are released they try to rebuild their lives in a stranged land.

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